Dr. Juniper is accepting new patients on a limited basis. Any new patient must be a family member of an existing patient or have a referral. Fill out the form on our contact page to inquire about scheduling.
For any questions or concerns, please fill out the form on our contact page (button to the right). Thank you!
We will not respond to cold calls.
Telemedicine Appointments - To schedule a telemedicine follow up, click the button to the right.
In Person Appointments - To schedule an in-person appointment or exam, please contact us via your secure Elation Passport account.
Urgent Appointments - If you are in need of an urgent appointment, please contact us via phone at (971)328-0071. Please note that there is no guarentee we will be able to fit you in.
If you are having an emergency, please call 911 or go to the Emergency Department.